DiLorenzo & Rush | Counselors of Law
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The dangerous nature of black ice

On Behalf of | Dec 1, 2021 | Personal Injury

With winter coming to New Jersey so quickly, thoughts about the weather turn to snow storms and hazardous outdoor conditions. Although snow is often difficult and unpleasant to clear, it is generally not as dangerous as black ice, which can be an aftereffect of snow on the ground.

Black ice is caused by conditions of thawing and freezing water. After snow has settled on the ground, the air temperature may increase and the snow will melt. Subsequently, the temperature may decrease and the melted snow will freeze again. The result may be black ice, which can be treacherous.

It is called black ice because it is often difficult to see on the ground’s surface. It doesn’t have any color, which makes it dangerous (especially at night). Black ice often appears in patches on roads and sidewalks and if snow is not cleared properly, it can create hazardous conditions.

Laws protecting pedestrians

Under New Jersey law, property owners have certain duties to keep their premises reasonably free from hazardous conditions. In some cases, this includes the duty to remove snow and ice from sidewalks and stairs surrounding their property.

After a person falls on black ice and is badly injured, they may want to document exactly where they fell and who owns that property.

If an accident like this has happened to you or someone close to you, it may be wise to consult a New Jersey lawyer who is experienced at dealing with slip-and-fall accidents. The lawyer can guide you and advise on your legal options.