New Jersey uses a system called "equitable distribution" to divide property in a divorce. This means things aren't automatically split 50/50. This can be confusing and some people mistakenly think their spouse will get half of everything. However, that's not how it...
How can you ease the emotional turmoil associated with divorce?
Divorce can take its toll on you. While there are certainly financial implications that you need to be prepared to address, which we’ve discussed previously on this blog, there are also emotional ramifications involved in the marriage dissolution process. As you...
Should you date before your divorce is final?
Going through a divorce can be an emotionally challenging time, and you might find yourself wondering if it is okay to start dating before the process is complete. This question has no one-size-fits-all answer, as every situation is unique. However, there are factors...
Can mediation help you get your divorce case resolved?
The difficulties that might arise in any given divorce case in New York or New Jersey cannot be overstated. The fact is that a divorce typically involves two people who simply want to move on, but who may also harbor significant feelings of anger, resentment and...
What types of alimony are available in a New Jersey divorce?
Divorce courts in New Jersey often award spousal support, also referred to as spousal maintenance or alimony, to a spouse that did not earn an income or earned significantly less than their spouse during the marriage. While alimony is not a part of every divorce, it...
The best ways to approach an impending divorce
When you get married, partners often switch gears. Going from making lone decisions to working together to reach an agreement may feel natural when getting married; however, going back to making decisions on your own with an impending divorce is often challenging. You...
How can I ensure a fair property split in my divorce?
Divorce in New Jersey can be contentious with the sides in dispute over just about every issue. Even in cases where the parties are on reasonably good terms, there are still aspects of the case that can be problematic. Most will automatically think about child...
Can I use my spouse’s social media against them in a divorce?
Social media platforms (Facebook, TikTok, etc.) have integrated themselves into our everyday lives. They have changed the face of how we interact with everyone from our family to our friends and acquaintances. Though, with this rise in connectivity comes the downside...
How to tell your kids that you’re getting a divorce
Breaking the news of divorce to your children can be one of the hardest aspects of your marriage dissolution. This is especially true if you’ve successfully shielded your children from your marital disharmony. As you prepare to talk to your children about your...
How not to act during your divorce
Divorce is never easy. Even when you and your spouse agree it’s the best decision and maintain a mutual respect and amicable relationship with each other, you are still likely to experience emotions such as sadness, guilt or a sense of failure. These emotions are...