When you first got married, you may not have considered a pre-nuptial agreement. Perhaps you and your spouse did not own many assets or were just starting out in your careers. A pre-nuptial agreement might not have seemed necessary. However, many married New Jersey...
New Jersey And New York Legal Blog
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Don’t let these mistakes derail your child custody case
As you navigate through the countless choices you need to make in your divorce, the most difficult among them are often those concerning your child. Custody decisions are fraught with heavy emotions and legal complexities. One misstep can have far-reaching...
Is retroactive child support possible in New Jersey?
As a parent, providing for your child’s needs is always a priority. However, doing so could be demanding when you are the custodial parent and shouldering the weight of caring for your child alone. The lack of financial support from the other parent could leave you...
If I call the cops for help, does that mean they can just come in?
In New Jersey, residents who call the police for assistance may wonder if this gives officers the right to enter their homes. The answer is, generally, no because the Fourth Amendment prohibits it. When can police enter without a warrant? There are a few key...
Understanding child custody and resolving disputes
The love of a child is undeniably the strongest love a parent will have. This is often showcased when parents decide to divorce, as their child is an important part of their life. It is easy to make the case that you care for and love your child; however, that does...
What you need to know about building an alibi defense
The prosecution in your criminal case has the burden of proof, meaning that to gain a conviction they must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. That’s a high hurdle to clear, but you’ll still need to develop a strong criminal defense strategy to protect...
Were you subjected to warrant and warrantless search errors?
As a general rule, the police are supposed to obtain a warrant before searching your car or your home. This warrant, secured from a judge, should only issue after a determination that probable cause exists to believe that a crime was committed, and that evidence...
Can mediation help you get your divorce case resolved?
The difficulties that might arise in any given divorce case in New York or New Jersey cannot be overstated. The fact is that a divorce typically involves two people who simply want to move on, but who may also harbor significant feelings of anger, resentment and...
How to deal with drunk driving allegations in your custody case
Criminal charges and a subsequent conviction can deal a blow to many areas of your life. Although you might be able to escape the harshest punitive penalties imposed by the criminal justice system, you’ll still be forced to cope with the collateral consequences....
Remember your rights at a DUI stop
With summer about to be in full swing in New Jersey, you may be attending more gatherings and social events involving alcohol. This can sometimes lead to having a drink or two and deciding to drive home. While you probably know you should never drive while drunk,...